Saturday, November 21, 2009

oprah calls it quits, needs more time to eat

The internet was abuzz today in reporting Oprah Winfrey's announcement that the next season of her show will be the last. During her announcement, I heard the sound of hearts breaking from middle-aged white women everywhere. Her reasons for qutting? "25 feels right in my bones and feels right in my spirit. It is the perfect number," Confucious er...Oprah said. Right. this wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that for the first time in years you are no longer the highest ranked talk show, would it Oprah? Or the fact that you're getting fatter by the second and you don't want everyone to catch on to your Krispy Kreme addiction. How anyone can think she's even slightly sincere in her "tearful" announcement is beyond me. Besides being the godmother of narcissism, Oprah can't stand to be in the background.
According to Forbes Magazine, Oprah makes an estimated $758,000 A DAY. Dividing her yearly earnings into her donations to charity last year, Saint Oprah gave away 5 weeks pay. You wouldn't expect so little out of somebody who promotes their own generosity so much, would you? Bill gates gave away more than 3 months of his earnings, but how often do you hear about that? SHAKIRA gave away 40 MILLION dollars to orphans in Columbia! And she has what...4 hit singles?

Oprah's "farewell" to daytime television will lead to one of 2 things.
1) she will get her own late night or cable talk show
2) she will change her mind and surprise everyone by going on with another season after 2011.

She won't go away no matter how bad I want her to.

If the world were to end tomorrow, there would be cockroaches and Oprah. She'd be eating them, of course.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I think once in awhile, we all love a good freak show. That is why one of my favorite networks on T.V. is the Learning Channel, better known as TLC. Their regular programming does not impress me, but I just LIVE for the specials that air on weekend nights. A classic favorite of mine is, "Joined for Life," a documentary based on two conjoined twins that share an entire body, except they each have a head. This story of two cranky teenagers just trying to make it in the world was meant to be inspiring, but really it was just a gawk-fest. No matter how many questions Abby and Britney Hensel tackled, I was still left with more. The twin on the left (Abby) controls the left arm and leg, while Righty, AKA Britney, works the right arm and leg. Oddly enough, one can't feel any sensation of the other side. Yet, they can walk, play baseball and even make a pathetic attempt at dancing. Though they still need to practice gettin' jiggy, I am pretty impressed with the Hensels. I still trip at least once a month, and I control both my legs and only have one brain.
In their small hometown, the Hensels are treated like they're just normal twins, and not a sideshow attraction at the 1904 circus. What's even more surprising is how individual they make themeslves out to be. They each even have their own driver's license. There's only 2 feet behind the wheel, but I guess 2 heads constitutes 2 licenses. What puzzled me even more was their desire to do their makeup, hair, and try to push their cleavage out. Then again, I guess I wouldn't expect them to go out in the world looking hagrid. If my sister and I were conjoined, I wouldn't let that get in the way of putting on my makeup every morning. In fact, it might be a little bit more motivation to look good, since your competition is sitting on your right shoulder.

Another show I watch each week on TLC is called 18 kids...and counting!

This show is exactly how it sounds. It is about a 40 something Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and their 18 kids. No joke. Only 2 sets of twins in this mix. All delivered by Michelle in 20 years of marraige. Their oldest is 19, and he just got married and became a first time father.
Here's the kicker: Michelle is pregnant again, and their grandchild will be six months older than their own child. These Arkansas natives live a Christian lifestyle where they believe children are a blessing from God, and that to take birth control tempers with the mighty hand of God in deciding how many children a family should have. I personally couldn't be happier, as this makes for some of the scariest T.V. I have ever seen. Michelle herself looks like Sister Mary Clara circa 1982. Check out that awesome hair! Do you think she uses the pony shampoo they carry on the farm? I think one of my aunts tried to get bangs like this in the 80's, but she couldn't afford all the aqua-net.

So thank you, TLC for always keeping me informed, expanding my knowledge, and raising my self-esteem.

Worse than wiping and not washing? Washing and drying with a hand dryer.

Some De Anza College students and administration are concerned with consumption of paper towels in the bathrooms, and the amount of waste generated by them. Some argue that we should all use the hand dryers, and just do away with paper towels altogether.

I am all for saving paper whenever possible, but not having paper towels in the bathroom is just irresponsible and dangerous.

Hand dryers are one of the most germ-ridden devices a public restroom can have. Hand dryers contain filters in them, and several other mechanical parts that the air passes through before it gets to your hands. A study by the University of Westminster reveals that fecal bacteria in the air can get into these hand dryers, which then put the bacteria on your hands, arms and even under your fingernails.

After we wash our hands and dry them under these dryers, we might eat, touch our eyes, hair, face, and further contaminate ourselves. We can get different sicknesses from these hand dryers, the most common being staph infection, which can lead to the flu, strep throat or bronchitis.

Why even bother washing your hands, right? I'd rather have my own bacteria on my hands instead of everyone else's.

Not having paper towels in the bathroom forces people to use the hand dryers, and further subject themselves to these germs and the risk of getting sick. Try to avoid these hand dryers. Even if there are no towels, it is much safer to wipe your hands on your pants or just let them air dry.

Think of it this way, when you wash your hands under running water with soap, you are loosening the bacteria. Then, by wiping your hands, you are wiping off whatever germs didn't go down the drain. If you dry your hands with a hand dryer, you are just drying the bacteria back onto your own hands.

We are all responsible adults and know that we don't need 50 paper towels to dry our hands. I don't think anyone at De Anza College abuses our paper towel "privilege" and I think this might just be a sneaky way for the school to save a buck.

Many incidences in bathrooms that require the use paper towels. If someone spills water on the floor, should they go find a custodian to clean up the mess so that nobody gets hurt? That would take too long. Sure, you could use half a roll of toilet paper, but that would be wasting paper.

I realize that paper towels create more of a mess and accumulate more garbage, but less garbage could mean more spread of disease. I am no germaphobe. But this is just common sense to me. If the school wants to do away with paper towels, fine. But you won't see me using a hand dryer.

loose opinions. informal blog

hi everyone
i dont feel like writing in paragraph form
these are just some thoughts going through my head
i'd like to share them with you.

they are as follows:

> is a symbol for greater than. nice time saver.

chicken > beef
paris hilton > oprah
seizing the day > waiting for a good opportunity
ice cream > frozen yogurt
rainy days > scorching hot days
late nights > early mornings
one best friend > anything else
my cat > your cat
regular pencils > mechanical pencils
nesquik chocolate milk powder > chocolate syrup
flip flops > any other shoes
diet coke > any other liquid
candid > posed picture
ceiling fan >oscillating fan
candles > air freshening spray (they're all starting to smell like bathrooms to me now)
vh1 > mtv
food network > A&E
shorts > skirts
drinking urine > listening to the fray

my thoughts on flu shots

We tend to not question people in white coats who tell us what's good for us.
It bothers me when I hear people encourage other people to get any kind of vaccination. Whether it be the flu shot, guadarsil, or now, the h1n1 vaccine. No way. You think you have an idea of what's inside that syringe? I would like to know exactly what's in it before it goes directly into my bloodstream.

I will start of by saying that plenty of people get flu shots every year and don't get sick or have any kind of symptoms. I realize that side effects and sicknesses do not occur in majority of people that get vaccinated. But here's what I do know from doing a lot of research:

Flu shots "may"contain:
Ethylene glycol (anti freeze)
Phenol (once used for sterilization before surgery, but then discontinued because of skin irritation, phenol injections were used by Nazis for mass extinction)
Formaldehyde (when injected in lab rats caused cancer)

According to the government website, at best, the flu shot is 70 percent effective. However, last year, the effective rates were below 20 percent. Meaning, out of every 10 people that got the flu shot, 2 of them avoided the flu. The other 8 got the shot, and got the flu anyway.

Even though in the past 25 years there has been a 50 percent increase in people who get the flu shot annually, deaths caused by the flu have not decreased at all.

Here's my main thing: people who usually die from influenza (the flu) are rare cases who are under the age of 2 or over the age of 70. Therefore, if a middle aged person were to die, it would be one in a million odds. You know what also happens to one out of every million people who get the flu shot? They die. They develop a disease caused by one of the POISONS they signed up to get- and they die. I would rather take my chances and stay home from school a few days than get who knows what put into my arm.

If you are in decent health, your body will be able to take care of itself. Yes, being sick sucks. But you will get better. It is guaranteed that eating right, exercising, and getting plenty of rest is good for your body. It isn't guaranteed that getting a shot full of who knows what in your arm every year is good for your body. Do some research before you get any kind of shot. Why would you just trust everyone without thinking twice about what it could do to you? Sure, the odds are one in a million. But that's one too many.

I just don't get it.