Saturday, November 21, 2009

oprah calls it quits, needs more time to eat

The internet was abuzz today in reporting Oprah Winfrey's announcement that the next season of her show will be the last. During her announcement, I heard the sound of hearts breaking from middle-aged white women everywhere. Her reasons for qutting? "25 feels right in my bones and feels right in my spirit. It is the perfect number," Confucious er...Oprah said. Right. this wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that for the first time in years you are no longer the highest ranked talk show, would it Oprah? Or the fact that you're getting fatter by the second and you don't want everyone to catch on to your Krispy Kreme addiction. How anyone can think she's even slightly sincere in her "tearful" announcement is beyond me. Besides being the godmother of narcissism, Oprah can't stand to be in the background.
According to Forbes Magazine, Oprah makes an estimated $758,000 A DAY. Dividing her yearly earnings into her donations to charity last year, Saint Oprah gave away 5 weeks pay. You wouldn't expect so little out of somebody who promotes their own generosity so much, would you? Bill gates gave away more than 3 months of his earnings, but how often do you hear about that? SHAKIRA gave away 40 MILLION dollars to orphans in Columbia! And she has what...4 hit singles?

Oprah's "farewell" to daytime television will lead to one of 2 things.
1) she will get her own late night or cable talk show
2) she will change her mind and surprise everyone by going on with another season after 2011.

She won't go away no matter how bad I want her to.

If the world were to end tomorrow, there would be cockroaches and Oprah. She'd be eating them, of course.

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