Sunday, November 15, 2009

my thoughts on flu shots

We tend to not question people in white coats who tell us what's good for us.
It bothers me when I hear people encourage other people to get any kind of vaccination. Whether it be the flu shot, guadarsil, or now, the h1n1 vaccine. No way. You think you have an idea of what's inside that syringe? I would like to know exactly what's in it before it goes directly into my bloodstream.

I will start of by saying that plenty of people get flu shots every year and don't get sick or have any kind of symptoms. I realize that side effects and sicknesses do not occur in majority of people that get vaccinated. But here's what I do know from doing a lot of research:

Flu shots "may"contain:
Ethylene glycol (anti freeze)
Phenol (once used for sterilization before surgery, but then discontinued because of skin irritation, phenol injections were used by Nazis for mass extinction)
Formaldehyde (when injected in lab rats caused cancer)

According to the government website, at best, the flu shot is 70 percent effective. However, last year, the effective rates were below 20 percent. Meaning, out of every 10 people that got the flu shot, 2 of them avoided the flu. The other 8 got the shot, and got the flu anyway.

Even though in the past 25 years there has been a 50 percent increase in people who get the flu shot annually, deaths caused by the flu have not decreased at all.

Here's my main thing: people who usually die from influenza (the flu) are rare cases who are under the age of 2 or over the age of 70. Therefore, if a middle aged person were to die, it would be one in a million odds. You know what also happens to one out of every million people who get the flu shot? They die. They develop a disease caused by one of the POISONS they signed up to get- and they die. I would rather take my chances and stay home from school a few days than get who knows what put into my arm.

If you are in decent health, your body will be able to take care of itself. Yes, being sick sucks. But you will get better. It is guaranteed that eating right, exercising, and getting plenty of rest is good for your body. It isn't guaranteed that getting a shot full of who knows what in your arm every year is good for your body. Do some research before you get any kind of shot. Why would you just trust everyone without thinking twice about what it could do to you? Sure, the odds are one in a million. But that's one too many.

I just don't get it.

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